Frequently  Asked  Questions

  • How are the families selected?

The selection of the families represented on the website and application is made only from the beneficiaries chosen by the “Vardanyan Family” charity foundation.

Before making an informational film about the family, the Foundation employees contact the candidate family, visit the family’s place of residence, study the living conditions on the spot, after which a decision is taken to make a video story and represent it on the platform.


  • Who can become a candidate for a video story?

The website and application represent those families who are in extremely difficult social conditions (not having their own house or apartment) and having

  • three or more children, or
  • child / children with disabilities, or
  • children left without the care of one or both parents.


  • Is there a limit on assistance?

There is no minimum or maximum limit when providing assistance to families represented on the website and application. Anyone who decides to become a benefactor can provide assistance to the acceptable extent.


  • What payment methods are available?

To help the families represented on the website and application, you can make a transfer to a families parent’s bank account, opened by the assistance of “Vardanyan Family” charity foundation (there are AMD and other currency (RUB, USD and EUR) accounts), via Idram, Telcell payment systems.


  • How does the payment reach the family?

Help for the families represented on the website and application is provided directly, without any mediation. The transferred amount is credited to the account of the family parent without any deductions. 


  • For what purposes is the assistance used?

Each assistance provided according to the information of the website and application is spent by the families on their own initiative according to their own needs and priorities. The platform is in no way responsible for the use of assistance funds received by the families.


  • How to check whether a transfer has been made?

Each family receives payments made via Idram, Telcell payment systems immediately, at the time of transfer, which can be seen in the installed Idram, Telcell applications, downloaded in the mobile phones. Bank transfers are credited to the families parent’s account within the time limit established for completing banking transactions.


  • What information about the benefactor becomes available to the family?

The families represented on the website and application can receive the information about the person who provided assistance, indicated in the payment form. The available information is the remitter’s first and last names, which are indicated in the payment system field. This information is provided to the beneficiary of the transfer via payment systems. Other data, such as contact information, card number, bank details, etc., is not provided (not visible to the beneficiary of the transfer).


  • What other ways of assistance are there?

In order to provide assistance to the families represented on the website and application in other way, you can contact the families directly using the phone number indicated on the platform, as well as make a video call, personally visit the family at the specified address and, having become familiar with the needs of the family on the spot, make a decision on providing other assistance.


  • What if the family represented on the platform no longer lives at the address listed on the website or application?

If the families represented on the website and application do not get in touch and/or change their address, the Foundation cannot take any measures to find the family. The platform provides up-to-date information about the family at the time of filming.


  • How often are video stories published?

On the website and application, video stories about the families in need are published once a week, every Monday. The frequency of publishing of video stories about the families will correspondingly increase in accordance with the number of benefactors providing the assistance.


  • Can one family be represented more than once?

Each family in need will be represented on the website and application only once. Repeats or new video stories about this family will not be published on the platform.


  • How long the video stories remain published on the platform?

On the website and application a video story about each family in need is published for an indefinite period or until the video story about them is removed from the platform at the initiative of the family.


  • How to find a video story about a specific family?

There is a “Search” function on the website and application, by which you can find any family represented on the platform using first name, last name, father’s name, place of residence, date of the video story publication.